Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Spring Poem

I like spring
haching eggs
kids playing
pokdotit flowers
I like spring.
blowing grass
worimg sun
blue skie.

Monday, March 15, 2010

My Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a prriness and a prins. The priness has long har . There names was Emma and Jacob. A draing tok over the casol and it haping in the wods . The prins had a sord to cil the dragin and the dragin had spikes on his back and the dragin stopt Emma and the prins hrt the dragin and thay lived happy ever after.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I show cooperation.

i help my mommy win my mommy is sik and my ukol win he is sik to and i help wosh the clos and i help wosh the cor.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Raccoon Story

Raccoons can run fast. Raccoons have fur. Raccoons are washer dogs.

I made a tree map about raccoons.